Iya bro pernah pakai dulu.. kelemahannya  ada dua..

1. Dia merubah struktur dns, maksudnya sesuai deskripsinya, biar cepat
loading app yg narik data ke internet.. teorinya Ok.. real test nya Ok..
tapi klo inet lagi lemot tetap ga ngaruh, malah jeleknya klo suka rubah dns
jadi ribet.. app seperti setDNS ga ngaruh..

2. Ad block.. klo dulu karena dia merubah host file, app adblock seperti
adfree, adaway dll ga jalan.. tapi nampaknya yg baru dah kompatibel yah..
klo ga jalan mau update host ga bisa.. mau ga mau nunggu author update
tweaknya.. akhirnya dulu banyak iklan tembus di saya.. karena server ads
nya tidak terupdate.

Fitur utama nya di perubahan dns itu, klo Fly On Mod dan V6 supercharger
lebih ke tweaking ram management, database tweak, zip alignt dll..

Klo ga salah dia ada kompatibel list dgn tweak lain..

Fitur 3, 4 dan 5 nya nampaknya Ok..

Ada rencana jg nanti mau test yg versi baru nya..
On Jul 1, 2013 10:31 PM, "Hamdiy Hope™" <hadi.akbar.m....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mau nanya dong, Les, pernah nyoba CrossBreeder ga?
> *[MOD] CrossBreeder - 6.30.13
> -Lag-/Entropy+/DNS+/Tether+/Ads-/Censors-/.bit 
> support!!<http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2113150>
>  *
> Gwe kebiasaan pake si crossbreeder ini soalnya, dan crossbreeder ini
> support froyo, maklum, si Sidekick mentok di froyo, hehe.
> Kira2 mendingan mana sama si Fly-On Mod?
> ini gwe copas descriptionnya buat yang males mencet link :
> *tapi tetep harus kesana klo mau download :))
> *What is CrossBreeder?*
>> *This is a new take at improving Android and reducing GUI lag*.
>> It's lightweight and won't consume battery. Users have reported drastic
>> improvements in usability and battery life. It will show noticeable
>> improvements.
>> All you need to try it is custom recovery. It is for all Android devices.
>> ( not x86 ones ).
>> *This is a combination of 5 different key methodologies to improve the
>> Android experience: *
>> 1. It's a big new feature, *DNS caching, parallelising and tether boost *.
>> A lot of the lag in a lot of apps, apart from the GUI lag, is due to slow
>> DNS querying, specially on the mobile network.
>> CrossBreeder now runs a *caching, parallelising DNS client* on the
>> device. So now most of your DNS queries will be served from the cache and
>> if not found, the query will be sent in *in parallel to multiple DNS
>> servers including the two Google DNS servers, the two L3 DNS servers and
>> your two ISP servers *and the quickest reply will be served to you, hot
>> and transparently. You can read the rationale for this approach -
>> http://ma.ttwagner.com/make-dns-fly-...q-all-servers/<http://ma.ttwagner.com/make-dns-fly-with-dnsmasq-all-servers/>
>> This speeds up network access and networked apps, like Browsers of
>> course, and Tapatalk, Gmail and thousands of others drastically. And
>> removes a lot of the lag where it was due to DNS querying. This will not
>> increase your network or download speed but pages will load much faster.
>> This will future proof your devices as more and more apps start using
>> HTML5 and/or reside completely as web pages or the like.
>> CrossBreeder *boosts your tethering connection*. Client devices to your
>> device will take advantage of the new DNS. Hence their usage is also
>> improved! In many cases this update might even fix a broken tethering
>> feature on your phone. So if your ROM doesn't have a working tethering
>> support, you an try and install this update. It might magically start
>> working!
>> CrossBreeder *blocks ads and spyware* in an efficient manner by blocking
>> access to the host. It does this using a static block list of known ad
>> sites and behaving as an authoritative DNS server for these sites and
>> redirecting them to a dummy address. CrossBreeder runs a simple web server
>> serving empty images and pages, so ads completely disappear instead of
>> showing an ugly Page/Image Not found error.
>> You can update this block list from an external specialised tool like
>> Adaway if you need.
>> CrossBreeder now includes the *bypass censor* functionality. This allows
>> you to circumvent DNS based censors as used by most authoritarian
>> countries. This basically works by bypassing your ISP's DNS servers and
>> querying the 2 Google DNS servers and 2 L3 DNS servers only. These are
>> usually faster anyway, more so due to the caching and parallelizing nature
>> of the query. Thus if your ISP is blocking websites without telling you,
>> you have a way out if this. You can enable it using the following command:
>> su -c "/system/etc/CrossBreeder/ENABLE_BYPASS_ISP"
>> and rebooting. You can read this for some more info (
>> http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...postcount=2748<http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=42240441&postcount=2748>
>>  )
>> You can also choose your custom DNS servers by updating the
>> /etc/CrossBreeder/REMOTE_DNS file with each custom DNS server in a separate
>> line.
>> NOTE: CrossBreeder DNS (Boost/Adblock/Censor Bypass) will not work (as in
>> it won't be used ) if your ISP APN contains an entry for a proxy server. Do
>> edit the APN and remove the proxy entry and see if you can browse fine.
>> That will allow CrossBreeder DNS to work.
>> CrossBreeder also renames any existing /etc/hosts file on your device.
>> Testing has proven that keeping a system wide /etc/hosts file as is used by
>> most other Ad blocking software actually slows down your system. So it is
>> recommended to use this method instead. Check this out for the
>> demonstration of the slowdown and how to test it yourself -
>> http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...php?p=41877518<http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=41877518>
>> In order to achieve all this DNS related functionality, CrossBreeder
>> relies on the excellent open source utilities - *DNRD* and *Dnsmasq*
>> 2. *Modulate OS entropy levels *for lag reduction ala Seeder. The whole
>> OS reads either /dev/random or /dev/urandom and both need entropy. However
>> this mod uses a completely different, lightweight and efficient random
>> number generator called *Havege *. This sharply reduces cpu consumption
>> and corresponding battery life loss compared to Seeder. It also does a
>> better job at keeping entropy levels high hence your device is more
>> responsive. It doesn't run in a CPU intensive loop either. The extend queue
>> functionality has also been added to CrossBreeder. See here for another
>> rationale favouring Havege compared to Rngd - (
>> http://code.google.com/p/csrng/ - Look for the limitations.)
>> 3. *Change kernel parameters* specially the wakeup threshold ones so
>> read blocks are released instantly and writes never wake up as we have an
>> external entropy generator. And a host of other fail safe and working
>> tweaks from the community for each key subsystem. ( one can look inside
>> /etc/CrossBreeder/zzCrossBreeder ).
>> 4. *Remove /dev/random as it's blocking* . Link it to non-blocking
>> /dev/urandom. Since /dev/random is blocking and designed to protect us from
>> Quantum alien cryptographers with mathematical certainty and urandom is non
>> blocking pseudo-random device that most apps and OSs are using anyway and
>> with Haveged running, is as secure anyway as it's very difficult to empty
>> the entropy pool faster than Havege can replenish it. Pre ICS devices have
>> a lot to gain with this but ICS+ devices show visible gains too.
>> 5. *Frandom support (Optional) *- CrossBreeder now supports linking both
>> your random devices to the extremely fast alternative - Frandom (
>> http://billauer.co.il/frandom.html ). This module is orders of magnitude
>> (10-50 times) faster than the standard character devices ( Check this out -
>> http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...&postcount=134<http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=37409586&postcount=134>
>>  ).
>> The erandom character device also installed by Frandom doesn't use up
>> system entropy at all on top of being fast. You will need to ask your ROM
>> developer to develop the kernel module for you and then place it in
>> /system/lib/modules. CrossBreeder will then try and load it and if
>> successful, make all the necessary adjustments so that both /dev/random and
>> /dev/urandom are pointing to /dev/frandom and /dev/erandom respectively.
>> The speed benefits are to be seen to be believed. But since each ROM
>> requires a unique kernel module, this option is left optional ( but auto
>> detect ). Advanced users can even try and load the frandom module built for
>> other kernels if they don't have one readily available for their own kernel
>> version using the Punchmod utility. Read this:
>> http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...5#post41920265<http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=41920265#post41920265>
> ------------------------------
> *Arcobaleno Photo Kiosk - The Best Photobooth in Town*
> http://www.facebook.com/ArcobalenoPhotoKiosk
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> 2013/7/1 Lesjaw™ ♂ <lesjaw.andr...@gmail.com>
>> Gays.. wti.. Fly On Mod update ke versi 4.0..
>> Download disini http://db.tt/86oi9iSP
>> Langsung flash lewat CWM atau TWRP.. tiban aja versi 3.0 nya
>> On Jun 29, 2013 12:53 PM, "Lesjaw™ ♂" <lesjaw.andr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Halo gays..
>>> Lesjaw back again! *eaaa..
>>> Menindaklanjuti tulisan saya sebelumnya yg sudah saya share disini, saya
>>> pun melakukan oprek lanjutan dengan melakukan berbagai percobaan tweak yg
>>> bertebaran di xda developer..
>>> Hasil akhirnya saya cukup puas setelah mendapatkan tweak yg tepat, tweak
>>> ini bisa di terapkan di handset android apapun, buat rekan yg kurang puas
>>> dengan performa androidnya, silahkan menuju tkp dibawah ini :
>>> Speed up your Android with fly on | bukakotak -
>>> http://bukakotak.com/tutorial/speed-up-your-android/
>>> Buat yg kurang sreg dengan cara saya berbagi please ignore this thread,
>>> thanks.. i really appreciate it..
>>> Untuk selanjutnya, mari kita diskusi disini untuk segala permasalahan yg
>>> timbul dari implementsi tweak tersebut..
>>> Peace, Love and Gaul... :-)
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Aturan Umum  ID-Android: http://goo.gl/MpVq8
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