CAT Fanciers:

Four years ago this month, the CAT working group became dormant.  Some
time after that , the working group concluded.  During the
intervening years we have gained significant implementation
experience with GSSAPI, GSSAPI mechanisms, SPNEGO and other related

There has been significant interest in some continuing evolution of
the GSSAPI specifications within the IETF during this time.  Doug has
proposed that we start a working group to move forward on these
issues.  I agree.  Assuming that we can find a chair for a BOF and
potentially for a working group and can find document editors, I
propose that we request a BOF slot at IETF 60 for the purpose of
starting the offspring of CAT working group (KITTEN).

I believe that KITTEN should be chartered for the following tasks and
for any additional tasks that members of this list believe have
sufficient constituency.

* Eventually to advance the base GSSAPI specifications   and C
  bindings to draft standard (but see below)

* During the course  of implementing GSSAPI and GSSAPI mechanisms,
 significant problems in the clarity of the base  specification and C
 bindings have been found.  KITTEN will identify these problems and
 will propose changes to the  specifications to address issues of

* The handling of channel bindings in the base specification and C
 bindings  has proven problematic.  The structure of channel bindings
 is defined more in the C bindings than in the base specification.
 This has forced mechanism specifications  and protocol documents to
 refer to the C bindings specification.  In addition, there is a
 desire in several areas of the IETF for more complex channel bindings
 than IP addresses and more thought to be put into how channel
 bindings work.  KITTEN will clarify specification of channel bindings
 to meet current needs of the IETF.

* Experience with GSSAPI naming has caused implementers and
  application authors to wish to look at ways of improving naming.
  KITTEN will examine proposals in this area.

* Experience is the Kerberos working group has caused individuals in
  the Kerberos community to question the assumption behind
  gss_export_name--that names can reasonably have a single canonical
  form fixed for some period of time.  KITTEN will consider this issue
  and the general issue of GSSAPI authorization  and how it relates to

[Martin, yes I know you would object very strongly to dropping
gss_export_name.  I'm fairly sure there are enough of us who want  to
revisit the issue  that  it is important to include in the charter.  I
fully realize that  we do not yet have any consensus for any specific

* The Global Grid Forum has advanced several proposals for extensions
  to GSSAPI.  KITTEN will consider these proposals and see if there
  are mechanisms acceptable to the IETF for accomplishing the same
  goals as these proposals.

* Mechanism implementers have complained that GSSAPI is too
complicated and thus they prefer to write SASL mechanisms rather than
GSSAPI mechanisms.  KITTEN will produce a document describing how to
write a GSSAPI mechanism specification.

The following work might belong in the KITTEN working group although
it currently lives in other IETF working groups:

* TThe CCM mechanism in the NFSV4 working group

* The domain-based GSSAPI names that will hopefully be a work item of
  SASL some day

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