> On 11 Dec 2022, at 20:52, Murray S. Kucherawy <superu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 11, 2022 at 12:34 PM Michael Thomas <m...@mtcc.com 
> <mailto:m...@mtcc.com>> wrote:
> Re: stripping signatures, all the attacker needs to do is either send it to a 
> service that doesn't strip signatures or use their own MTA. Trivially 
> avoidable, and a Maginot Line of epic narrowness. 
> Right, I think this is an aspect of that proposal that warrants further 
> debate.  I think the argument is compelling, but it's clearly not bulletproof.
> As for resolution: the first obvious one is to not send spam in the first 
> place. That is the root of the problem. The second is that Bcc's can be 
> treated with more suspicion. Neither of these needs the working group to do 
> anything.
> I think this is easier said than done.  In the example I gave, "don't send 
> spam in the first place" reduces to "make sure your users are 100% 
> trustworthy or that your outbound spam filters are 100% accurate", which 
> strikes me as an impossible bar to meet.

Also, in the case of replay attacks, we’re redefining spam to a point of 
uselessness. Spam is mail that users didn’t ask to receive. But the initial 
message that’s being signed is an opt-in message. The sender knows the 
recipient address wants the message. We’ve spent 25 years trying to block spam, 
I’m not sure that this is even a solveable problem. Even if you made COI the 
default and could only send mail with an actual confirmation message in hand, 
that’s a trivially jumpable hoop for the spammer to negotiate. 

> The alternative is to say: Well, if you can't make at least one of those two 
> quantities bulletproof, then don't sign your mail.  That, though, sounds a 
> lot to me like tossing DKIM in the bin



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