On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 8:16 PM Murray S. Kucherawy <superu...@gmail.com>

> On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 2:21 PM Michael Thomas <m...@mtcc.com> wrote:
>> There's also the question of whether "x=" is properly enforced.  RFC 6376
>> says verifiers "MAY" choose to enforce it.  I think I asked about this at a
>> conference recently and was told that it's not universally supported by
>> implementations.
>> Others have said that the enforcement is pretty good. But I have no way
>> to evaluate if that's true.
> I don't think we're saying different things.  I remember the point of the
> answer I got in that session being that most, but not all, implementations
> check or enforce signature expiration.  But that means if "x=" is the
> solution we land on, we have to accept that a possibly-significant part of
> the ecosystem won't be able to use that solution.
> Then again, anything new we roll out is going to take a while to become
> universal anyway.

The short version is that x= works where it matters at the moment. As far
as I've seen and heard from others, DKIM replay spam currently focuses
heavily on replaying to recipients at just a few of the top 10 global
mailbox providers. This is for reasons of economies of scale - roughly
speaking, it might be viable to spend 1000 hours finding a way through the
filters of a provider operating 200 million mailboxes, where it is not for
a provider hosting 20 million. This is part of why I don't think we'll see
replay attacks expand significantly to more domains; replay is just one
ingredient in a larger spam recipe that takes a lot of other fine-tuning to
achieve its intended effect.

This has implications for rollout as well. I think the ideal solution would
enable affected signers/verifiers to deal with the problem, while everyone
else can ignore it entirely (until/unless they do see a problem). I think a
count-based approach could do exactly that.
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