> On 10 Mar 2023, at 00:30, Michael Thomas <m...@mtcc.com> wrote:
> Now that we have a chair, I have a question about process wrt to the charter. 
> The charter states that either the working group will produce documents 
> addressing the problem, or it will produce a document saying why it can't do 
> anything about it within the IETF confines. I strongly suspect that that the 
> latter will be the conclusion but I don't know what the process would look 
> like to come to that conclusion. It seems like it entails a long list of 
> "can't do this"'s etc followed by "we give up". But that list could be nearly 
> endless if it is allowed to get out of hand. So what does it take to come to 
> that conclusion from a process standpoint?

Our current milestones are:

Apr 2023 - Post a consensus problem statement draft to the datatracker (may
 not go to the IESG)

 Jun 2023 - Proposal regarding plans for remaining document(s) presented to
 the AD

 Dec 2023 - Submit technical specifications for replay-resistant DKIM
 enhancement(s) to the IESG at Proposed Standard

 Dec 2023 - Submit revised operational advice for replay-resistant DKIM use
 to the IESG at Informational

Coming to the conclusion will be done in the same manner as IETF decisions are 
made: by group consensus. That includes the consensus on whether or not this is 
a protocol problem or an operational problem. As I read the charter, that 
decision needs to be made by June, meaning we have slightly more than 2 1/2 
months to reach it. That gives us a specific time constraint for that 

> Also: if M3AAWG is producing its own BCP can that actually be taken as an 
> Wouldn't it need to just be informational since the IETF community had no 
> input to its making and the deliberation behind it? Since I'm not a member, 
> it's opaque to me about the reasoning and what guided the recommendations. 
> Worse is that since there is so much opaque industry secrecy surrounding 
> this, it's pretty much impossible to test the recommendations to see if they 
> are correct.

The IETF process will be followed for any documents published by this working 


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