----- Original Message -----
From: "Douglas Otis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Hector Santos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>> Wietse wrote:
>>> I get mail that pretends to be from my bank. The SSP
>>> says the mail is 100% pure non-forged. However, the
>>> DKIM-BASE signing domain is not in my list of trusted
>>> signing domains. I get a warning that this mail could be
>>> sent by a party that I have no relationip with.

>> Hector wrote:

>> That's fine by me Wietse, but keep in mind that you mistaken by
>> continuing to use a magic wand to change an apple into an orange,
>> by using reputation is part of the total solution when in fact, it
>> is suppose to be out of scope in this WG.

> Hector,
> You have completely missed what was being said.  Where do you even
> see the word reputation?

Semantics. Any predefined Trusted List, black or white, concept as Wietse
mentioned above, is a "reputation" concept.   It means you KNOW something
about them as oppose when you would not nearly 80% of the times which is
where most of the internet email problems lies with abusive malicious
anonymous (unknown) senders.

Hector Santos, Santronics Software, Inc.

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

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