
1402 and 1534 were specifically mentioned and discussed in Philly in Jim's presentation <http://www3.ietf.org/proceedings/08mar/slides/dkim-0.pdf>. In fact, between the two they've been discussed at multiple meetings. We know this because the mechanism has changed over time and was presented as it changed. You can continue to traipse through the minutes of previous meetings (my own recollection and the minutes confirm <http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/07mar/minutes/dkim.txt> that is that the group spent time on this very issue in Prague). You did not object. My own recollection of the Prague discussion was that we specifically considered the positives and negatives of tree walking as well as a domain existence query, but perhaps the audio i lying around if you want to go to more detail.

Putting aside that procedural issue, the fundamental basis for your concern is that there are two independent systems that have no basis for interdependency. But your premise is false, and the issue is specifically raised in the current -03 draft, here:

   2.  _Verify Domain Exists._ The host MUST perform a DNS query for a
       record corresponding to the Author Domain (with no prefix).  The
       type of the query can be of any type, since this step is only to
       determine if the domain itself exists in DNS.  This query MAY be
       done in parallel with the query made in step 2.  If the result of
       this query is an "NXDOMAIN" error, the algorithm MUST terminate
       with an appropriate error.
NON-NORMATIVE DISCUSSION: Any resource record type could be
          used for this query since the existence of a resource record
          of any type will prevent an "NXDOMAIN" error.  MX is a
          reasonable choice for this purpose is because this record type
          is thought to be the most common for likely domains, and will
          therefore result in a result which can be more readily cached
          than a negative result.

No A record required, as Frank and I mentioned earlier.

Perhaps I have missed some text that you are referring to. Could you correct me?

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

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