On Thu, 26 Mar 2009, Hector Santos wrote:
>  > With specific reference to DKIM, what I most want to discourage is
>  > awful IP/domain hybrid hacks like only validating a signature if
>  > the Sender-ID or SPF passes.  So our interop advice is when you're
>  > thinking about DKIM, don't think about IP addresses.
> Sorry, but vendors do not have this luxury.  You would be in conflict 
> with your operators and customers desires to implement, enable and/or 
> disable what they want and not what you or I want.

Your customers don't seek or accept any guidance from you?

> We simple can not dictate to others or even suggest not to use SPF or 
> another technology and replace with DKIM especially when it hasn't 
> really proven to have a payoff.

Sorry, I disagree.  Vendors, especially those who have been involved in 
this for a long time, are in a prime position to provide appropriate 
guidance and influence.  And at least from where I'm sitting, a 
substantial portion of the customer base is at least listening to what we 
tell them.  And sometimes "customer" is itself referring to a large and 
influential ISP.

> So yes, when I read those comments, the eyes are rolling.

I have no doubt *you* think the ideas are absurd.  But please stop 
speaking for all SMTP vendors, because I for one think you're 
exaggerating, and have experience to the contrary.

Perhaps some other vendors would like to weigh in.
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