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On Jun 2, 2009, at 3:17 PM, Douglas Otis wrote:

> On Jun 2, 2009, at 2:38 PM, Jon Callas wrote:
>> The only use I can see of it is the case where you have many live  
>> messages out there, some of them with (e.g.) RSA and others with  
>> (e.g.) ECDSA and you want to make all RSA messages start failing  
>> now, and yet for some reason want to keep the RSA keys still in the  
>> DNS.
> This does not represent the intended use the key's algorithm list.
> While currently most receivers recognize rsa-sha256, they may not  
> recognize ecdsa-md6. Removing indications of currently used  
> algorithms by the key for a particular domain will allow bad actors  
> to take advantage of a transition period.  Receiving MTAs may make  
> exceptions for ADSP when ecdsa-md6 is recognized as a valid, albeit  
> unsupported algorithm.  Rather than rejecting the message, it might  
> be marked as having an unsupported signature algorithm.  By having  
> the key indicate specifically which algorithms are in current use,  
> then algorithm exceptions do not need to extend across all domains.   
> Just domains indicating the use of the newer algorithm should  
> receive an exception indication.  Just as in the days of base64  
> encoded messages, a post-process can be used to confirm the validity  
> of messages having a newer algorithm signature.  This post process  
> check could even be offered as a web based service.
> Without this feature, people may soon find their inbox flooded by  
> bogus messages indicating the use of new algorithm, that could have  
> been mitigated extensively by having the key feature.

Help me understand. Describe the use case where someone will use it.

As a cryptographer, I do not understand how the sketch you give above  
can happen. If the cryptography works, I don't see how the situation  
you describe can occur at all.

Signatures are either valid or invalid. There are many ways it can be  
invalid and only a few it can be valid. By that I mean among other  
things that a signature might be syntactically valid but by policy  
invalid; e.g. in the case of SHA1 collisions.

If an MTA decides that an invalid signature is for some reason  
acceptable anyway -- well, that's daft, but it's *their* MTA. People  
have the right to be stupid.

I don't get it, Doug.

However -- I just wrote a note about the meta-issue. If you want to  
say that you think it should be there because you like it and that  
should be good enough, I'll support you. It's the burden of people to  
convince others why something should go, not why it should stay.


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