Hi Murray,

On 10/1/09 10:27 PM, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
> How can one forget that which was never true to begin with?
> The working group and its antecedents, as far as I'm aware, have always been 
> pretty adamant about the fact that reducing spam has never been one of its 
> goals.

I think it was the goal of many who participated to reduce spam.  That
having been said, DKIM by itself cannot reduce spam, and that was always
readily apparent.  DKIM can be used as one of a number of components to
a comprehensive approach to identifying legitimate email.  If all of
that happens, then the economic incentives for spamming would seem to

That's a lot of moving parts, of course.

All of this having been said, I think Scott Kitterman is right.  I still
think the standard needs more soak time.  But that's me.

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