----- "Barry Leiba" <barryleiba.mailing.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Coming back to this: I've still seen very little direct input on the
> charter proposal.  JD likes it.  Dave made some specific comments,
> which I responded to; there've been no other comments on what Dave's
> said.  There've been no other specific proposals for changes to the
> text.
> Franck suggested gathering data on whether DKIM has been useful.  I
> responded to that, saying that I don't think it's a necessary issue
> for chartering at this stage.  Agreement or disagreement with that
> would be useful.

Not sure about gathering data, but I don't want the group to loose track of the 
end goal of all these tools, which is to help fight spam/abuse. I know this is 
not the direct goal of DKIM, we had this discussion ;)

> Bill suggested looking at extensions for additional signature
> delegation, Michael Hammer agreed, and a thread branched off from
> there.  Is that still an active consideration for the charter, or
> not?
>  Charles wants to see something more about guidance for mailing
> lists.
>  Is that an active consideration?

I think guidance for mailing lists is needed. Postmasters will just implement 
blindly tools like spamassassin and others.

> Some have opined that it's even too early to consider taking the base
> DKIM protocol to Draft Standard; let's make sure we have consensus on
> that point, one way or the other.
> I'd like to settle very soon on what, if anything, to do about
> re-chartering.  Please address my specific points, above, so we can
> get there.  And please keep the discussion focused on the charter,
> without going into lengthy discussion of details of the work.
> Barry, as chair

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