>12.  I haven't tweaked anything.  Assuming my reading of the 
>configuration files is correct, spamassassin is querying ADSP for 
>incoming mail, and applying a positive bump to the "spamminess" score 
>when a message comes from a domain with dkim=all, and a bigger bump for 
>dkim=discardable.  This could account for many of the adsp lookups that 
>people are seeing.

That's mostly right.  In 60_adsp_override_dkim.cf they hotwire fake
ADSP values for about 90 domains, with the discardable ones including
paypal and ebay in many variants, some greeting cards like
americangreetings.com (Hi, Mike) and a few banks.  The "all" ones
include amazon and a fairly randon group probably from mail the
developers got, e.g. astrology.com, linkedin.com,, and

They also set lower weights for gmail and yahoo, only if the mail
doesn't look like it came through a mailing list.


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

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