On Jul 29, 2010, at 9:46 AM, Alessandro Vesely wrote:

> On 29/Jul/10 13:21, Charles Lindsey wrote:
>> The REAL cause of the problem is that From: line. My proposal is that MLM
>> should change the From: header in such a way that the mail appears to have
>> come from MLM.example and not from discardable.example. Clearly, this
>> removes the cause of the problem at a stroke (the mail will no longer be
>> discarded), but obviously it raises several other issues instead.
> SRS on "From"?  It is intriguing that, after having taken a rather 
> different approach, DKIM faces much the same problems that SPF had 
> been criticized for, for the same minor fraction of the email traffic.

DKIM doesn't suffer from them, really.

OTOH, ADSP is broken in pretty much the same way SPF is, and
so it's not surprising that the bodges proposed to fix it
look similar.

I know you're not actually confusing the two but lets try and
not conflate them, just to keep the discussion clear. ADSP
is not DKIM any more than SPF is IP.


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