On 30/Jul/10 10:58, Douglas Otis wrote:
> On 7/29/10 6:46 PM, Alessandro Vesely wrote:
>>   1. There is no standard way for the domain to learn when any of its
>>   users subscribe to a new list.
> Disagree.

I'm happy to hear that.  The possibility that a domain becomes aware 
of all of its users' subscriptions has been aired various times 
before.  I think that is in many people's desiderata, and have even 
tried to devise a way of collaboratively doing it (fixforwarding.org.)

Anyway, let's assume that a domain has somehow managed to maintain a 
database of all the lists that its users are subscribed to.  That 
domain signs all outbound mail and publishes a non-default ADSP.  I 
propose that, when a message is destined to a list, the author domain 
signs a few header fields only, not the body, and tags the message 
with a (signed) list-signature-required sort of advice.  Messages to 
multiple list and non-list recipients have to be split, regularly 
signing the non-list copy.

Another way of achieving the same effect would be to standardize all 
acceptable message changes, together with a MIME-compliant 
canonicalization.  We've already noted that in some cases (plain text, 
poster-added subject tags, not signing "Content-Type", l=) it may work 
as-is.  For the general case, and for the time being, the advice 
requiring the added list signature guards against replay attacks: 
Verifiers must ensure that both signatures are valid, unless they are 
the domain whose signature is missing.

>>   2. Granting a TPA implies a good degree of trust.
> Most mailing lists would be safe for a domain in their position to
> authorize.

Except that phishermen.com may set up a mailing list for the sole 
purpose of getting that auth.

W.r.t. TPA, this joint-signature proposal only authorizes messages 
actually destined to a mailing list.  Although the list can change the 
whole body, it is still constrained by the few signed fields.

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

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