On Oct 1, 2010, at 8:11 AM, Jeff Macdonald wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 2:48 AM, Murray S. Kucherawy <m...@cloudmark.com> 
> wrote:
>>> The results in Section 4.1.2 mention "Author vs. Third-Party".  That
>>> is more about ADSP than DKIM.
>> True.  It should probably come out.
> It could mean that or that most implementations default to d= From:
> domain. I strongly believe that is a holdover of implementations being
> based on DomainKeys code which had that constraint.


Also, I've talked to several people who want to use DKIM with varying d=
for the same 822.From, but can't because the signers they're using
can only sign with a single domain for any given 822.From domain,
or can only sign with the domain in the 822.From.

I don't know how widespread this misbehaviour is in DKIM signers,
but it's there.

> Author vs. Third-Party:  73% of the signatures observed were author
> signatures, meaning the "d=" value in the signature matched the
> domain found in the From: header field.  The remainder, therefore,
> were third-party signatures.
> I do believe the DKIM draft warns about having d= be related to other
> headers in the message. Perhaps this stat could be restated as:
> d= relations:  73% of the signatures observed had a direct
> correspondence to the From: header , meaning the "d=" value in the
> signature matched the
> domain found in the From: header field.

I might even say "was identical to" rather than "matched" - so as
to make it clear that the d= value wasn't a subdomain of the
822.From domain.


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