Steve Atkins wrote:
> On Oct 1, 2010, at 8:11 AM, Jeff Macdonald wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 2:48 AM, Murray S. Kucherawy <> 
>> wrote:
>>>> The results in Section 4.1.2 mention "Author vs. Third-Party".  That
>>>> is more about ADSP than DKIM.
>>> True.  It should probably come out.
>> It could mean that or that most implementations default to d= From:
>> domain. I strongly believe that is a holdover of implementations being
>> based on DomainKeys code which had that constraint.
> +1
> Also, I've talked to several people who want to use DKIM with varying d=
> for the same 822.From, but can't because the signers they're using
> can only sign with a single domain for any given 822.From domain,
> or can only sign with the domain in the 822.From.
> I don't know how widespread this misbehaviour is in DKIM signers,
> but it's there.

It's not necessarily misbehaviour. Signers need to be careful about what they 
All that says is that the access control to the signer is relatively simple 
which is more of a marketing requirement than bad code. It's probably saying 
most implementation's requirements don't care about that kind of flexibility. 
speaking from experience, the code complexity to support it, while not enormous,
is certainly not zero.

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