On Oct 13, 2010, at 11:27 AM, Jeff Macdonald wrote:

> And even if there was a DKIM signature, it is the BAD GUY'S signature,
> which should cause it to go into the SPAM folder, with a large
> phishing warning.
> <rant>
> Count me as one of those who was confused early on about what DKIM
> provides. DKIM seems to make assurances to message integrity. But it
> doesn't. I think the reason why many think it does is because of the
> body hash. It is trying to do to much. It should just provide an
> identifier that can be verified. Instead of using the body for
> hashing, use the Message-ID header along with the Date header and just
> hash that. That way most folks would understand DKIM is just providing
> an Identifier.
> </rant>

The reason for the body hash is solely to prevent replay attacks - where a 
receives legitimate email, then reuses the signature to send out spam.

That's the only reason it's there, not for anything to do with message 
but it is a good reason for it to be there.

That this has been documented and evangelized poorly is something to
rant about, perhaps.


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