Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
> And, anticipating the next question(s):
> Signatures with other "l=" values that were in turn larger than the message 
> received: 10389
> Subset of those that still passed: 9870 (95%)
> Subset of those that still passed and looked like list traffic: 5504 (53%)
> Based on that it looks like "l=" is pretty effective, but not 
> very widely used.

I did a short testing on this (but turned if off for now) where for 
one domain, I prepared the signing to:

     - use l=
     - excluded Subject in h=

and the list mail survived with the original signature and the new 
resign signature.

What it basically told me that we (my implementation) might have to 
add feature for a "Target" signing rule:

    if target is for a list then use
       - use l=
       - excluded Subject in h=
       - don't use l=
       - subject is in the h=

But right now, list mail resigning strips the original.

Hector Santos, CTO

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

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