Perhaps its a cultural thing.  You should hear the number of the times 
my Jewish wife had said; "oh silly! stop being stupid!" or New York, 
Miami Cuban or Ricans cousins saying "stuuuuupppiiiiid" (its a special 
prolonged funny emphasis), or Cuban exiles elders calling me a "Stupid 
Communist" just because I want the Cuban embargo to end, Elian going 
back to this dad) or an Italian uncle saying "was a studid (Dominoes) 
move!" but I really hate it when he calls me a "Paper Hat!"  Oh, 
really gets to me!

Whatever, I remain convinced that particular paragraph is "terrible," 
"wrong", "improper,"  even "incompatible."    But I can also see where 
that can imply, infer, suggest, insinuate or make people silently 
erroneously ponder the writer is a terrible, wrong and improper person 
writing incompatible material.

All of which, all this, is chippy and infers signs of disrespects.

Mucho Gracias, Ciao, Bonjour, Cheerio!, Catch you later, see ya on the 
rebound, Bye Bye!

Ian Eiloart wrote:
> On 12 May 2011, at 17:44, Hector Santos wrote:
>> For the record, the old MLM was read as well Levine's poison pill MLM.
>> With no intent nor suggest the writer is stupid, writers do say stupid 
>> things and that paragraph was "stupid" then and it remains to be 
>> "stupid" as in a stupid manner; "he had stupidly defined a one way 
>> ticket for DKIM."
> I'm sorry, but in English, it's almost impossible to say that an idea is 
> stupid without implying that the person who had the idea is stupid. 
> I understand that the Spanish language may be different in this respect, in 
> that it's much easier in Spanish to say that something bad has happened 
> without assigning direct responsibility to some person involved.  

Hector Santos, CTO

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