SM wrote:
> Hi Barry,
> At 19:42 15-05-2011, Barry Leiba wrote:
>> I'd be very surprised to find that mention of "cron" in an RFC is
>> "unprecedented".  Maybe I'll download the RFC set, have Google do a
>> word index on it, and see.
>  From RFC 3834:
>    "The auto-generated keyword:
>     -  SHOULD be used on messages generated by automatic (often periodic)
>        processes (such as UNIX "cron jobs") which are not direct
>        responses to other messages"

But its not directly related to MAIL - its for scheduling automatic 
jobs, and the above case "Often Periodic."  That has nothing to do 
with mail per see or the Mail AUTHOR as the MLM I-D sentence implies:

     The author can be a human using an MUA (Mail
     User Agent) or a common system utility such as "cron", etc.

This is not correct. The author is not a "common system utility" or 
anything close to the scheduling tool unless you are saying the 
RFC5322 author is also the OS logged in username which "cron" uses as 
a default as an environment variable for any mail scripting events.

Hector Santos, CTO

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