Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----

> "cron" sends mail, if the periodic job it executes has any output, 
> to the user that requested the job.  The UNIX "at" utility is the same.
> The job it executes might also send mail of its own accord.
> In both cases, there's mail generated by a non-human author.

All scheduling tools have a mail component, but why not say "such as 
php, perl, etc" like any other tool or language, at least these are 
portable tools and more universal than "cron"

>> This is not correct. The author is not a "common system utility" or
>> anything close to the scheduling tool unless you are saying the
>> RFC5322 author is also the OS logged in username which "cron" uses as
>> a default as an environment variable for any mail scripting events.
> Precisely.

But you didn't say that.  You didn't say "or any automated mail 
sending tool where the author is used for sending mail to an originator."

Do you hate windows or know that Windows is still a major OS? or that 
even other OSes may exist with the same "scheduling tools" ideas?  MLM 
is not exclusive to Unix systems.

Hector Santos, CTO

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