Nits and Comments:

In Section 3.1.

    author:  The agent that provided the content of the message being
       sent through the system.  The author delivers that content to the
       originator in order to begin a message's journey to its intended
       final recipients.  The author can be a human using an MUA (Mail
       User Agent) or a common system utility such as "cron", etc.

What is "cron?" and how does it interface with the originator defined as
the MSA?  is cron an MTA or MUA?

I suggest to remove the "or a common .." text since we already know 
what MUA implies - a mail creation application or replace the text with:

       or any other message creation application [with an MTA component].

I personally say take it out. Not needed. Thats an *nix idea.  Windows 
people generally do not know what that is.

In Section 3.1.

    verifier:  Any agent that conducts DKIM signature analysis.

I know this is a semantical nit, but RFC4671 uses verification, never 
analysis and it (analysis) is only stated as an out of scope boundary 
layer concept (in section 3.11).   Perhaps the intent is to suggest 
the verifier does both:

    verifier:  Any agent that conducts DKIM signature validation and 
               [results|TRUST and ADSP] analysis.

In Section 3.1 for receiver, it is very clear with stating the agent 
for "final delivery", so why not add the MDA labeled terminology as it 
was done with originator with MSA?

    receiver: ..... This agent can be often referred to as the
       Mail Delivery Agent (MDA).

Hector Santos, CTO

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