Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:

>>     Such conversion is outside the scope of DKIM; the actual
>>     message SHOULD be converted to 7-bit MIME by an MUA or MSA
>>     prior to presentation to the DKIM
> I read that (in the context of the paragraph containing it, of course) 
> to mean the particular selection of a conversion method is out of scope 
> for DKIM.  

In the context of the entire section, the main requirements are
RFC5322 and RFC5321 readiness and the general requirement to make sure
the DKIM signing output is RFC5322 ready for receivers and that
includes WYSIWYG goals.

> But that does not mean the issue of whether or not conversion is 
> necessary or advisable is also out of scope.  If it's okay for us 
> to discuss things like header field reordering and spacing changes 
> that might affect validation of DKIM signatures, it certainly seems 
> to me that this is a valid topic as well.

Sure, thats a boundary layer issue and valid RFC5322 input requirement.

>> So I don't even know why we are talking about this.
> The presented argument, which comes from an IETF outsider involved 
> with MTA development, is whether or not that SHOULD is worthy of a 
> MUST because failing to do it in the vast majority of cases will 
> result in a downgrade somewhere on the path that will invalidate 
> the signature.  The question, then, is why we didn't do MUST in the 
> first place.  It's a perfectly legitimate question.

As with any new software development, you always have the luxury to do 
everything that is new but it is naive to believe everyone else is new 
too, up-to-par  and there don't exist legacy or just plain old 
standard requirements operations.

> The answer is twofold: One, explain what SHOULD and MUST 
> really mean, especially in context.  Two, list the options 
> (downgrade and sign, don't downgrade and sign, don't sign) and 
> the effects of each.

The SHOULD is enough for him to handle his needs for his own MTA/MSA, 
DKIM signing and distribution.  This issue is no different than all 
the general overall concerns regarding losing mail integrity and 
increasing realization that DKIM deployment needs to include 
target/path knowledge to minimize these

> Providing a solid and helpful answer, rather than a dismissive 
> or hostile one, promotes understanding from people that weren't 
> involved, who are the ones that get to implement and deploy 
> what we've specified.  That's certainly my preference.

First, I wasn't dismissive nor hostile and take offense to the on-going
continued labeling me as such.  Please stop the hostility towards me.

What I strongly and passionately disagree with is two folds; 1) the 
perpetual contradictions with the justifications used for one thing 
and not equally applied to others, including the ignorance of DKIM 
failures for one thing and not something else; and 2) it is unfair to 
be questioning in 2011 all wisdoms gained from all the WG-MAN-YEARS 
and the entire 40+ years history known with mail systems behaviors to 
come up with that SHOULD in 2005.

You asked for a reason. It was provided by multiple posters, but then 
it turned into into something where each poster was labeled of not 
understanding RFC2119  to justify a change to a MUST. Talk about being 

The direction is to be 8 bit compliant in mail, intermediary are 
expected not to tamper mail. There is even a greater reason today why 
it should remain a SHOULD. If you do this as a MUST, then we lose the 
payload binary transparency aspect of communications when we force 
MTAs to downgrade 8bit.

How do we know it will break if its not downgraded?  Unless there is 
full knowledge that a node on the path will do break things, you 
don't.  This is the same thing with MLMs and the IETF-SMTP extra 
<CRLF> issue.

Why don't we care about that? Thats a real live scenario today.  How 
about this idea for section 5.3? Add this paragraph before the last one:

     Mail intermediaries MUST make sure they don't an extra line
     after the header and before the beginning of the body content.

See the slippery slope?

What do we expect will happen in the future when the MLMs are more 
DKIM aware, and the 8bit streams are not altered to the extent that 
DKIM faults are negligible and this MUST is now doing needless 
alterations? Are we changing it back to a SHOULD recommendation or 
even a MAY?

Hector Santos, CTO

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