On Mon, 23 May 2011 03:50:06 +0100, Hector Santos <hsan...@isdg.net> wrote:

> Case in point. Right now, I am looking at a gmail.com which I am
> pretty sure was not in Base64 MIME.  However, it was submitted to IETF
> DISCUSS group and its showing up as base64 MIME.  I don't know if the
> list did it one of the hops before the DKIM-Signature.
> But the body hash failed.  So I took the message, made a copy and
> unbased64 the body, pulled the list footer and poof! - the body hash
> was ok again.
> It would of been nice to have some DKIM-Signature flag that might
> indicate the Content-Transfer-Encoding, i.e.:
>     et="base64"   <--- copy of the top level Content-Transfer-Encoding

Could you get the effect of this by including the  
Content-Transfer-Encoding header in the 'h=' and doing some fancy checks  
involving the 'bh=' (to detect whether it was the body or the headers or  
both that were broken)?

Charles H. Lindsey ---------At Home, doing my own thing------------------------
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