On 5/24/2011 3:34 PM, John R. Levine wrote:
>> Exchange advertises 8bit and then bounces the mail if it tries to forward it 
>> to a server that doesn't advertise 8bit.
>> This (entirely RFC valid yet completely broken) behaviour has bitten me a 
>> couple of times.
> Better get used to it, since that's what EAI is going to do, too.

Maybe yes, maybe no.

That actally means definitely yes, for some scenarios.  The maybe no means that 
it might not occur for some others.

One possibility is that the two paths are distinguished by near-term vs. 
long-term, assuming one believes that 'near-term' is a useful construct when 
projecting Internet-scale transitions of infrastructure service...



   Dave Crocker
   Brandenburg InternetWorking
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