> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Thomas [mailto:m...@mtcc.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 7:03 AM
> To: Murray S. Kucherawy
> Cc: ietf-dkim@mipassoc.org
> Subject: Re: [ietf-dkim] No signatures, bad signatures, cousin domains
> Heuristic based systems like SA are subject to the phases of the moon
> with respect to what they find valuable and for how long. If they find
> it useful to educe something from DKIM or lack thereof, more power to
> them. Heck, if they just used the signature header pattern to determine
> spam from ham for different senders, that would be cool too. This is not
> in conflict from the statement that _cryptographically_ a broken signature
> is no different than a missing signature. SA and its ilk just don't operate
> on the plane of mathematical provables is all; nothing wrong with that.

My use of Spamassassin for correlation of DKIM verification versus message 
classification is really only a proof-of-concept thing.  Certainly connecting 
this stuff to a much more robust spam feedback system like the one Cloudmark 
has would produce far better results.  It's somewhere on my to-do list.

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