On 07/23/2012 06:13 AM, Barry Leiba wrote:
>> That customer brought up an interesting point.  "t=y" could also be useful
>> for messages whose signatures do verify.  Specifically, it could be used by
>> a signer to say "It's possible this message shouldn't have been signed by
>> us.  Please don't give it any preferential treatment based on our name's
>> reputation if the signature verifies, which could then tarnish our
>> reputation."
> But more to the point, it seems that this isn't a specific "we're
> testing our system" issue, but a separate issue related to reputation:
> "Do not use signatures made with this key as input to your evaluation
> of our reputation."  It would seem best to propose a new tag, in a
> DKIM extension, for that purpose, rather than re-using and overloading
> t=.

There seems like there are many things wrong with this sort of
"helpfulness". If a given selector is dodgy, the reputation system
should figure that out for itself. Believing even a vaguely
positive-assertion from the source is almost certainly a mistake,
and likely to be gamed if you do.


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