IMO, this suggestion would be better as an Informational and BCP note. 
   I don't think it warrants a change to STD76.

We went through this already.  We (DKIM WG) were well aware of the 
weakness of a smaller key but we had backward compatibility concerns 
so the proper verification migration path was set.

I see this more as an implementation note.  In our DKIM package,  it 
was provided in the API as a functional "numbits" parameter with a 
default of 1024 but it is not settable via the sysop configuration/UI. 
IOW, 1024 is always used. No option for setting 512.  What we can do 
in the future is add the option for higher sizes and even add the 
option to "[_] Invalidate 512 signatures".

But IMV, that is Informational/BCP material.  Not a change in the 
STD76 specification.


On 5/12/2015 6:35 PM, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
> On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 8:31 AM, Martijn Grooten
> < <>>
> wrote:
>     > Why remove 512 support from the verification side?  Does this mean the
>     > verifier will take valid 512 signature and make it invalid, no signature
>     > message?  Is there a correlation out there that 512 bits signers are 
> more
>     > prune to be Bad Guys? Spammers?
>     The problem here is that 512-bit keys can be trivially broken: it
>     takes less than 8 hours and about 100 USD to do so[1]. So there is
>     no way to be certain that the signer of the message is the same
>     organisation that published the (512-bit) DKIM key, even if that
>     organisation only were to send email that everyone would want to
>     receive.
>     You are right to point out that the RFC says that "[t]he security
>     goals of this specification are modest", which indeed they are,
>     but I think 100 USD is well within the means of the kind of
>     adversary DKIM is trying to protect against. The story of Google's
>     512-bit key that Scott already pointed to[2] gives at least some
>     anecdotal evidence about why this matters in practice.
> Is it appropriate to change the protocol document for this?  Isn't it
> really more of a BCP?
> The size of the key doesn't affect interoperability, but rather the
> receiver's choice to accept the signature as valid when it's based on
> a weak key.
> I'm not arguing that it's a bad idea to discourage this practice, but
> rather ruminating about whether this is the right way to do it.
> Then again, RFC6376 doesn't expressly say that keys smaller than 512
> have to be accepted either.  Hmmm.
> -MSK
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