On 5/13/2015 7:31 AM, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> DKIM is a security protocol.  I find it very odd to claim that the security
> part of a security protocol isn't part of the protocol.

Good point. But we did take it into account. As you point out, the 
APIs seem to have limited the size.

> While I have an opinion on what I think the right answer is, what I'd really
> like is whatever is easiest to get published in the IETF that gets signatures
> based on keys less than 1024 bits marked fail by opendkim again.

IMO, that would be a SUPPORT REQUEST for a specific implementation, 
not a STD76, across the board, change request.  You can't enforce this 
on other implementators.

Keep in mind what a STD76 means -- its a standard, thats it.  The bar 
is going to be very high to make changes to it.  Just like STD11 
(RFC822) and STD10 (RFC821) are real IETF standards, a fully compliant 
SMTP package still supports them and they might have strict options to 
turn off/on 822/821 related protocol features.  Those are 
implementation concepts.

Its a good suggestion to have an an "Informational or BCP" for DKIM.


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