On 11/13/2016 1:50 AM, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:> I've posted a draft that attempts to address an attack that's begun to
appear with DKIM.  Interestingly, we called it out as a possible
attack in RFC6376 and even RFC4871, but now it's apparently happening
and being annoying enough that people (I believe from the MAAWG
community) are asking if there's a protocol solution that's possible.


Thanks for the write up. I'm just now reading this (a quick review) and I have several points to make about this effort:

From what I read so far, this is 1::MANY distribution issue and less of a 1::1 direct, private email path issue but the 1::1 path is being exploited to prepare a 1::many distribution at some systems?

Not excluding another possible tech solutions/proposals to close this "security loophole," the code changes required are significant, both at the signer and verify. With integrated systems, passing the distribution list to the signer is required. There is much change to be considered.

If it promotes code changes, then we should consider other DKIM related situations as well to be included in what is essentially an DKIM Update. For example, John's double signature proposal can be considere, and in addition, we could also review the "i=" AUID identity to see if it can help. Our package can the i= for list distributions.

But this here bothers me:

   9.  Implementation Status

   The next release of OpenDKIM will implement this proposal.  OpenDKIM
   is in widespread use, including at very large installations, so use
   and utility of this extension can be easily observed.

Since this is a security loophole, I'm concern that this proposal needs a very thorough review, including reviewing other proposals and solutions. You could be jumping the gun to implement something that will be harder to pull back and once again, the IETF needs to remember that not everyone uses OpenDKIM.

Thanks for your consideration


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