On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 6:01 PM, Vladimir Dubrovin <dubro...@corp.mail.ru>

> 15.11.2016 2:07, Murray S. Kucherawy пишет:
> On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 10:36 PM, <ned+dm...@mrochek.com> wrote:
>> Let's break this down. If we're going to include recipients in the DKIM
>> signature, it seems we have at least three key design decisions to make:
>> [...]
> That's a pretty excellent summary.  A couple of points:
> I think you narrowed it down to (0)(b), (1)(a), (2)(d), and (3)(b) being
> the ideal choices.  Is that correct?  If so, we would just need to
> determine the algorithm for generating the signed content that would be
> included in the augmented signature.  If we do something like the random
> salt suggestion, is this sufficient?
> - pick a random string S of length L using only printable ASCII characters
> (I like 8 for L but that's arbitrary)
> - SHA the string produced by prepending S to the recipient address, and
> express the result in base64 string R
> - include R in a new "er" (envelope recipient) tag and the salt S in an
> "rs" (recipient salt) tag
> This is not reversible so nothing is leaked, but as we've all conceded by
> now it's not hard to attack this to recover the hashed address especially
> since one might have good guesses as to what that address would be.
> I can't see the point of actually encrypting the hashed content, because
> anybody can decrypt it with the public key.
> What am I missing?
> There is no need to reverse if you know e-mail address. Alice can check
> Bob received Bcc if Alice knows Bob's e-mail. She can hash Bob's e-mail and
> check if he is in 'er'.

Yes.  I wasn't identifying "not reversible" as a shortcoming, but rather as
a benefit.

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