Hi. I'm trying to track down some information about IP network address
allocations/assignments. Specifically, I'm looking for some reasonable
estimate of the number/proportion of Class B/Class C networks that have
been assigned out of the entire amount possible.

The allocation of address space to registries (and Class A assignments) is
available at:


And I know that the IMRs (Internet Monthly Reports) used to contain monthly
updates of network assignments by class--but that series ended (didn't it?)
and of the ones I've read, some are missing those figures. So that's not a
practical solution.

I'm pretty sure that I've seen figures about the total number of Class
B/Class C networks assigned (and/or allocated to ISPs for reassignment).
I'd be very grateful if someone could point me in the right direction.

Thank you!

| Pete Loshin                    http://Internet-Standard.com |
|                                                             |
| _IPv6 Clearly Explained_ Morgan Kaufmann January 1999       |
| _TCP/IP Clearly Explained_ 3rd ed Morgan Kaufmann June 1999 |
|                                                             |

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