At 01:11 PM 12/14/1999 , Ned Freed wrote:
> > But I guess we forgot to take the next big step, redesigning email to
> > properly scale to handling arbitrarily large messages in a relatively
> > graceful manner when necessary.
>I remain to be convinced that problems handling large messages have
>much if anything to do with the modern ESMTP protocol. It seems to me
>that it has a lot more to do with implementation and deployment.

Adding to Ned's response --

In fact ESMTP is getting quite good at supporting large file transfers:

(0.  Pipelining isn't really relevant for bulk transfer, but it doesn't 
hurt and is at least worth mentioning explicitly so no one thinks it was 

1.  ESMTP Checkpoint/restart permits recovering from interrupted sessions; 
too bad it's not well deployed

2.  ESMTP Message Size Declaration permits the receiving server to declare 
its limit

3.  MIME Message/Partial permits fragmenting (and reassembling...) large 
messages so that the Size Declaration can be honored for over-sized 
messages; too bad reassembly is not well deployed

4.  End-user application-to-application negotiation work being done in the 
Conneg and Fax working groups is emerging; it will permit recipients to 
inform senders of preferences and constraints.

Since it is a highly asynchronous channel, with potentially very high 
latencies, email is a bit of a challenge for dealing with arbitrary message 
sizes.  The existing and emerging specifications appear to be adequate to 
the task, but implementation has been slow.  That is almost certainly a 
question of lack of market pull.


Dave Crocker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Brandenburg Consulting  <>
Tel: +1.408.246.8253,  Fax: +1.408.273.6464
675 Spruce Drive,  Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA 

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