>Actually, there have been a few of these in recent years. I've done some
>consulting for lawyers seeking to overthrow patents where someone has
>obviously simply gone out and documented things done by others.
>To revisit a theme I raised back in the summer, this need to be able to
>prove prior art is the reason I believe we need to preserve Internet
>Drafts, not just mailing lists and other work output from the IETF.  I'm
>all for protecting innovation, and believe patents have a role in this
>industry, but I've seen a few bogus claims and am happy to do my bit to
>see them struck down. They tend to fall fairly easily if you have access
>to suitable examples of prior art.

I couldn't agree more..but the problem is that the patent examiners do not 
look at the IETF or OSI drafts or work product during the process and even 
ignore it when it is brought to their attention.

Richard Shockey
Shockey Consulting LLC
8045 Big Bend Blvd. Suite 110
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