
Masataka Ohta wrote:
.  .  .
> If IETF makes it clear that AOL is not an ISP, it will commercially
> motivate AOL to be an ISP.

Not to be unkind, since the IETF has done some good work, but the above
statement is incorrect. If you'd written "If AOL perceives that the
market would punish them if the IETF makes it clear that AOL is not an
ISP, it will commercially motivate AOL to be an ISP" you might be closer
to the mark. 

The bottom line is, the world isn't waiting for us to tell them the
right way to do what they want and the clever solutions we came up with
as solutions to the networking problems of 1970, or 1980, or 1990 don't
demand that they adopt our proposals for solving their problems of 2000.
We're in serious danger of surrendering to the same elitist posturing
for which we used to vilify the mainframe community. Pity, but we'll
have only ourselves to blame if and when the users pass us by...

                                - peterd (feeling testy this evening)

Peter Deutsch                               work email: 
Engineerng Manager
Caching & Content Routing
Content Services Business Unit                 private:
Cisco Systems

  "I want to die quietly and peacefully in my sleep like my granfather,
             not screaming in terror like his passengers..."

                                             - Emo Phillips

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