On 14 Dec 2000, Sean Doran wrote:

> I believe at least some of this is unacceptable behaviour
> that cannot be overlooked simply by virtue of general
> disorganization or industry competitiveness, and look for
> guidance about how we should (collectively) police such
> poorly-socialized people, if at all.

Possible solutions, in no particular order:

        a) "There are few problems in life that can't be adequately
            addressed by a suitable application of high explosives."

        b) Whisper "asshole" whenever you're within earshot of the
           offenders, simultaneously throwing a brief but withering
           glance at them. Encourage others who were directly or
           indirectly a party to the offense to do the same.

        c) Socially engineer their room numbers then let your inner 12
           year old loose, unsupervised, in a hotel with room service and
           a city full of delivery services of all kinds. Depending on the
           delivery services you enlist, be prepared with photographic

        d) Be glad you don't suffer such a pathetic existence as to have
           to lord your supposed privilege over others in order to feel
           anything analogous to self-worth. Whenever you're reminded of
           the offenders or the offense, recall this line and chuckle
           softly in bemusement. If they can hear you, so much the better,
           because they'll know you're having a little laugh at the
           expense of their aforementioned pathetic existence.

Of course, in spite of what you might think, reading this, I'm inclined to
be a pretty nice guy :)

   Joy-Loving * Tripp Lilley  *  http://stargate.eheart.sg505.net/~tlilley/
   "There were other lonely singers / in a world turned deaf and blind
    Who were crucified for what they tried to show.
    Their voices have been scattered by the swirling winds of time,
    'Cause the truth remains that no one wants to know."

   - Kris Kristofferson, "To Beat the Devil"

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