On Thu, 14 Dec 2000 07:55:48 +0100, Sean Doran said:
> So, why are people deploying them?
> They are so awful, that it must only happen when people have NO OTHER OPTION.

A quick analysis of most of the evils of the last 2 millenia or so would
reveal that most were perpetrated for one of several reasons:

1) "God told me to do it".  This includes evil by reason of mental defect.
Examples: too numerous to mention...

2) "I didn't know better".  Examples: Deforestation by the locals.

3) "I was just following orders". (only for orders from non-deities - see 1)
Examples: Anything you've had to install because a VP saw an 8x11 glossy.

4) "It seemed like a good idea at the time". Examples: Deforestation by
large corporations, anything you asked the VP for money for, but wasn't worth
it but now it's an albatross you can't kill....

I haven't decided which of the four NAT should be blamed on. Probably all.
                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Operating Systems Analyst
                                Virginia Tech

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