On Wed, 20 Dec 2000, Keith Moore wrote:

> > Hard  to say, but the newcomer's briefing and the Tao of the IETF are
> > both on the web site. Maybe we need some text on the registration page
> > pointing to those and suggesting strongly that people should read them
> > before typing in their credit card number.
> maybe the registration form should have a short quiz on material from
> these documents, which must be filled out before the form is considered
> complete.  and if not completed successfully the prospective
> registrant is warned that he may be wasting his money.

It would probably be sufficient to simply require that each registrant
indicate the WGs they expect to participate in and then check that verify
that they are in fact subscribed to at least some/one of those WGs mailing
lists. Could require the MD5 digest for some key recent draft. This would
indicate a level of cluefullness that they know how the process works and
are ready if not able to contribute. It would also allow for room
allocation planning.  Large rooms could be tiered based on something like:
front tier:
   1. Some draft authored for the group or in greather than 25th
percentile of frequency of contributors to the WG mail list.
   2. Preregistered and subscribed to the list
   3. Preregistered
   4. Surfers
Let any member of tier 1-3 bring 1 guest. Provide colored badges for tiers

Focuses the space on folks who partcipate while not precluding any
interested folks from attending.

Dave Morris

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