
At 01:20 AM 2/15/2001 -0500, J. Noel Chiappa wrote:
>Why do I have to change
>street addresses just because I moved?

A very good reason your name is separate from your address.

Good thing you didn't choose telephone numbers in your rant, huh?

In any event, my point (in case you missed it before getting wound up for 
your rant) was that people find renumbering hard will choose not to 
renumber given the choice.  NAT provides them a choice, like it or not (I 
personally don't care -- I see NAT as a tool with advantages and 
disadvantages like any other tool).

>As long as IPv6 has only one namespace to say *who* you are, as well as
>*where* you are, your address will change when you change providers.

Yes.  It astonishes me how many people have been unable to grasp this and 
assume that magic happens when you go from 32 bits to 128 bits.

>As the
>old hackers say, "That's not a bug, that's a feature."

The bug is that who and where are not separated, but I suspect you won't 
argue with that.


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