leo vegoda wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 09:30:50AM -0500, in message <2224339706.985771850@P2>, John 
>C Klensin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: Re: RE: Deja Vu
> > there to meet in a nice place where many of the attendees would
> > come and not participate.   While it would presumably be
> > convenient for you, I'm actually worried a bit about London in
> > that regard.
> London's sort of OK - but's it's hardly party city.

Actually, I see what John means; for many Americans, London is pretty much an ideal 
foreign vacation.  A modern city, with beautiful
historical sites, great museums, and no language barrier.  If you're trying to be 
sneaky and hide your vacation in a business trip, you
don't have to go far, or make a great effort, to fit in some tourism in the 
interstices between meetings.

|John Stracke    | http://www.ecal.com |My opinions are my own.|
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