OK, I'll bite:

Kuala Lumpur which we just used for APRICOT 2001. Five-star hotel, the Pan
Pacific $63 per night. Pay $93 and you're on the Executive floor with free
breakfast, etc. The hotel is next to a convention center. Food was very
inexpensive, with the exception of alcohol (Muslim country so you'd sort
of expect that).

Even the one-hour limo ride to the airport was only $35.

Getting to and from KL is no worse than any other major Asian city.
Temperature stable, tropical. Internet infrastructure pretty good.


Ole J. Jacobsen 
Editor and Publisher
The Internet Protocol Journal
Office of the CTO, Cisco Systems
Tel: +1 408-527-8972
GSM: +1 415-370-4628
URL: http://www.cisco.com/ipj

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