At 11:20 28/03/2001 -0500, Melinda Shore wrote:
>The cost thing is, I think, misleading.  Having
>had the experience of having to go to many ETSI
>meetings, I've found that apart from a few
>incredibly expensive cities it's generally cheaper
>to go to Europe than it is to travel in the US.

strangely, the opposite seems true for us Europeans .-)
at times I have wondered if we pay for the lower price through the jetlag. 
But it is hard to see a real benefit for the airlines from that .-(

actually the cheapest place, hotel-price-wise, to hold IETFs would probably 
be in a tourist trap on the off-season (the Riviera in October, after all 
the bathers have gone home, but before the staff leaves the hotel...)

and the main benefit (to me) of an European IETF is to see the *other* half 
have the jetlag for once.
Apart from the 30 hours I save in travelling time, of course :-)

Harald Tveit Alvestrand, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+47 41 44 29 94
Personal email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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