>There exist security problems associated with HTML-enabled mail readers,
>and the security of this list (given the MASSIVE number of viri
>distributed through it) is sufficiently suspect to disable that in many

We're not talking about this list, though; we're talking about 
ietf-announce, where only the Secretariat can post.  Moreover, we're 
probably talking about an optional digestified form of ietf-announce; 
people who can't trust their MUA don't have to use it.

|John Stracke                   |Principal Engineer         |
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |Incentive Systems, Inc.    |
|http://www.incentivesystems.com|My opinions are my own.    |
|"What we have here is a failure to assimilate." --Cool Hand|
|Locutius                                                   |

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