> The problem of maintaining hierarchical routing is identical with
> ANY way of describing a device in ANY network: the locator MUST
> change with a change in location.

perhaps, but the locator doesn't have to be exposed in the address.
if you expose the locator in the address then every time the location
changes you have to somehow inform all parties that are using that 
location that there's a new location for that address.

at present our locators are AS numbers.  they are not exposed in the
address or to hosts; instead there is a mapping function from address 
prefixes to AS numbers that is maintained by routers.

if we change the system to use a different kind of locator we still
need stable addresses, we still have to maintain the mapping 
function from addresses to locators, and we still need that mapping
function to be current and reliable.

what we are arguing about is the appropriate granularity of the 
mapping function, and the appropriate place to maintain that mapping.


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