On Tue, 19 Mar 2002 13:43:06 CST, Matt Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  said:
> > essentially all of the work done at meetings happens in the hallways,
> > restaurants, and bars - when small groups of people get together ...
> Yes, I see.  So much for the myth of an open process.

I'm willing to place bets that a *very* large chunk of things accomplished
in the hallways of *THIS* IETF will be a BOF at the *next* one, and a working
group at the one after that.  Also, a quick sanity check of an idea that takes
10 minutes in the hallway ("Hey Fred - does this sound reasonable, or am I
smoking crack again?") could take anywhere from 45 minutes to forever in the
context of a working group session (remember, it usually takes less time to
bring ONE person up to speed than to bring a whole room up to speed on your
new idea...)
                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Computer Systems Senior Engineer
                                Virginia Tech

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