
I've been trying to get my mind around the various issues here, and I keep getting back to the same place, so I think I need to embarrass myself by making a proposal that I find frightening.

Let's assume, as I think you have suggested, that SL is all about local addresses and filtering, and not about some special prefix that applications need to recognize. I'm still not sure I believe that, but let's assume it is true and see where that takes us.

Let's also remember the long path that got us to CIDR and 1918. Our original position was that anyone using TCP/IP (v4) should have unique address space. I remember many discussions in which people were told "don't just grab an address on the theory that you would never connect. Our experience has been that, sooner or later, you might connect to the public network, or connect to someone else who has used 'private' (or 'squatter') space... unique addresses will save you, and everyone else, a lot of trouble". In that context, 1918 and its predecessors came out of two threads of developments:

        * we were running short of addresses and wanted to
        discourage unconnected (or hidden) networks from using
        up public space and
        * we hoped that, by encouraging such isolated networks
        to use some specific address ranges, those ranges could
        be easily and effectively filtered at the boundaries.

We can debate how well either really worked, or what nasty side-effects they caused, but probably it makes little difference in the last analysis except to note that, no matter what we do, leaks happen.

Now one of the problems IPv6 was supposed to solve was "too little address space" or, more specifically, our having to make architecturally bad decisions on the basis of address space exhaustion. I hope we have solved it. If we haven't, i.e., if the address space is still too small, then the time to deal with that issue is right now (or sooner), before IPv6 is more broadly deployed (and it better be variable-length the next time, because, if we are conceptually running short of space already, it would be, IMO, conclusive proof that we have no idea how to specify X in "X addresses will be enough").

But suppose we really do have enough address space (independent of routing issues). In that context, is site local just a shortcut to avoid dealing with a more general problem? Should we have a address allocation policy that updates the policies of the 70s but ignores the intermediate "we are running out" steps? Should I be able to go to an RIR and ask for unique space for an isolated network, justify how much of it I need, and get it -- with no promises that the addresses can be routed (and, presumably, without pushing a wheelbarrow full of dollars/ euros/ yen/ won/ yuan/...)?

Of course, this takes us fairly far onto the path of having to think about multihomed hosts, not just multihomed LANs, but, as others have pointed out, the notion of multiple addresses (or multiple prefixes) for a given host (or interface) takes us rather far down that path anyway. Figuring out which address to use is a problem we need to solve, with or without SL, or the whole idea of multiple addresses on hosts, especially dumb hosts, is going to turn out to be a non-starter. And, as Louis, Noel, and others have pointed out, it is hard. But, if we can find a solution, even one that is just mostly locally-optimal and that fails occasionally, then it seems to me that your position ultimately gives no advantages to a reserved site-local form over unique, but non-routable, addresses. The advantages of the latter appear obvious, starting with being able to identify the sources of address leaks and the notion that routability is a separate negotiation with providers (and their peers and other customers) and not an RIR responsibility.

That would leave another topic which I consider separate: whether we ought to create some number of 1918-like addresses that organizations that are really isolated (not connected even with other prefixes) can use without needing to have a negotiation with an RIR. The answer, I think, is probably "yes", but it really is a policy question, not a technical one. And, on the above model, an ISP offering service (and prefixes) to an enterprise could be expected to insist that the enterprise not be using any of those isolated addresses in their local environment.

I obviously don't understand all of the issues here well enough. But the traffic of the last few days has left me with the strong impression that SL may be an answer to the wrong question. If so, is the suggestion above closer to the right question?

And, unfortunately, since this approach involves a change in the advice the IETF gives the RIRs, it probably does belong on the IETF list and not that of a WG.


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