Hi Itojun,
How would you write documents which warn against people doing funny things? I wrote a draft about the issues with hop-by-hop options in IPv6 and cautioning against their use. I see that there are still proposals coming out which depend on new hbh options? What should I do instead of writing a draft?


Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino wrote:
Charging for IDs will kill innovation. I use IDs to float ideas which may or may not bear fruition. I would not work on these if I had to pay. I also work on things at the IETF than my employer does not sponsor. These things will get thrown out as well.

        I assume i-d to be a proposal for a new protocol, which is
        implementable with a reasonable efforts and costs.  i think your
        view and my view are opposite.

        i'd like to see the following:
        - submission of i-d requires an implementation
        - to become a RFC requires two independent interoperable implementation


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