Margaret Wasserman wrote:

I would like to propose that we re-format Internet-Drafts such that the boilerplate (status and copyright) is moved to the back of the draft, and the abstract moves up to page 1.

I don't believe that there are any legal implications to moving our IPR information to the back of the document, and it would be great not to have to page down at the beginning of every I-D to skip over it. If someone wants to check the licensing details, they could look at the end of the document.


After having suffered from the latest boilerplate change turmoil (which is not yet finished), and the next one already announced (RFC boilerplate), I really have to ask: you are joking, right?

Note: Section 6 of <> says:

"The following text must be included on the first page of each IETF Document as specified below:"

BR, Julian
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