On an allied topic, I notice that a recent I-D - draft-ietf-sidr-arch-06.txt -
published March 9, 2009, had a running heading which included 'November 2008'.
Paranoid as I am, I immediately link this date to RFC5378 and the time when the
IETF Trust introduced the new rules for IPR.

Is there a connection orr is there some more innocent explanation as to why the
running heading is not March 2009?

Tom Petch

----- Original Message -----
From: "Julian Reschke" <julian.resc...@gmx.de>
To: "Scott Lawrence" <scott.lawre...@nortel.com>
Cc: "John C Klensin" <john-i...@jck.com>; <ietf@ietf.org>
Sent: Saturday, March 07, 2009 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: Abstract on Page 1?

> Scott Lawrence wrote:
> > ...
> > This is a trivial change for the generation tools to make - at worst it
> > will make one generation of diffs slightly more difficult (and I'd be
> > happy to trade one generation of poor diffs for this, so for me just
> > don't worry about fixing the diff tools).
> > ...
> At this point, no change to the boilerplate is trivial anymore.
> For xml2rfc, we need to
> - define how to select the new behavior (date? ipr value? rfc number?);
> if the behavior is not explicitly selected in the source, we need
> heuristics when to use the old one and when to use the new one (keep in
> mind that the tools need to be able to generate historic documents as well)
> - add new test cases
> - add documentation
> So, I'm not against another re-organization, but, in this time, PLEASE:
> - plan it well (think of all consequences for both I-Ds and RFCs)
> - make the requirements precise and actually implementable (remember:
> "must be on page 1" :-)
> - give the tool developers sufficient time; optimally let *then* decide
> when the cutover date should be
> BR, Julian

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