You are correct.  I remembered the text differently, but should
have checked.  I apologize.


--On Monday, July 20, 2009 12:23 -0400 Russ Housley
<> wrote:

> At 08:25 AM 7/20/2009, John C Klensin wrote:
>> --On Monday, July 20, 2009 14:20 +0200 Julian Reschke
>> <> wrote:
>> > Julian Reschke wrote:
>> >> ...
>> >> 3) If I *extract* ABNF from these documents (such as for
>> >> the purpose of  generating an input file for an ABNF
>> >> parser), do I need to include the  BSD license text? If
>> >> so, can somebody explain how to do that given the
>> >> constraints of the ABNF syntax?
>> >> ...
>> > 
>> > Explanation: for some reason I thought that the ABNF syntax
>> > only allows comments that are attached to an ABNF rule; but
>> > it appears that I was confused.
>> Independent of that, considering any sequence of ABNF
>> statements as necessarily "code" goes far beyond the intent
>> of the IPR WG as I, at least, understood it.   If you, as
>> author, want to identify it as "code", that is your
>> perogative, but this is about copyright and not patents and,
>> at least IMO, metalanguage, metasyntax, pseudo-code, etc.,
>> are not intrinsically code in the sense that the WG discussed
>> and intended it.
> I agree this is about copyright (not patents).  However, your
> interpretation of "code" does not align with the words in the
> RFC.  See Section 4.3 of RFC 5377:
>     IETF Contributions often include components intended to be
> directly
>     processed by a computer.  Examples of these include ABNF
> definitions,
>     XML Schemas, XML DTDs, XML RelaxNG definitions, tables of
> values,
>     MIBs, ASN.1, and classical programming code.  ...
> Russ 

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